Work continues on Oskar Ottokar Chandler, Paranormal Extraordinaire


It has a very long title, but every time I threaten to change it, people say they like it. So I leave it alone. What do I care? The book was 129 k a couple of weeks ago, and is now 120 k. It has a much better beginning than it once did. I am excited about the new beginning because it indicates I may have gotten over my “bad beginnings” problem and reduced some of the overwriting that has gone on in the past.

Since the book has a character named Coney, sometimes referred to as a bunny or a rabbit, this seemed like the year to send it to agents, and once they reject it, put it online. I’ve currently got under 70 pages to revise. It would be nice to get this thing out of my system and move on to newer projects. But in many ways, I may never write a better book than this one. It’s not likely many people will see or understand why. But it is a very personal book, and the reasons why have nothing to do with the LGBT nature of the characters nor do they have anything to do with my personal relationships. They have a lot more to do with the powers that Oz and Coney achieve and their experience with liberation. This is a book I wrote in the throes of a spiritual high, and although it may mean nothing to anyone else out there, it still lights my fire to read it.

I have asked around. Most people have no idea what I’m talking about when I describe my experiences, so I will simply leave it at that. Let me just say this book has a deeper level, and if you aren’t able to access that, it does have an epic love triangle, smoldering romance, and a functional plot. A lot of readers tell me they like Oz’s voice and that Coney is unforgettable as a character. Ok, good enough.

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