FREE FICTION and NaNoWriMo Meetings


I am told I am “connected” but truthfully, I just like other writers and talking about writing. So one thing I do is the weekly NaNoWriMo write-ins. There is one at Adagio on Saturdays at 2-4, and we also do an online one via the discord server (NaNoWriMo Bellingham) from 10 to 5 on Sundays each week.

Then, if a writer, editor, or publisher wants to get coffee and pick my brain and I pick theirs, I consider nothing more entertaining. I’ve also been in three writing groups in this area over the span of seven years. I talk to a number of writers online. I just like to talk writing! Seriously, it has nothing to do with starting an empire or anything like that. I get invited to a lot of writing events and related stuff because that’s my thing! Maybe that’s what it takes to be happy in life, I dunno.

Dogs bark, cats meow, and I talk writing with writers.

I also read what other writers have to say about writing. I’ve been reading a lot of the brilliance of Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and she has convinced me I need to get more fiction samples out to more people.

So I will leave you with this link to one of my creepier stories in Bewildering Stories magazine, which can be read for free here:

World’s Edge in Bewildering Stories magazine


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